Sunday, July 29, 2007

Spirit Board, SONA, etc.

Juillet 23 -29
Spirit Board, SONA, etc.

Soundtrack of the Week
  1. Tu m’oublieras [LARUSSO]
  2. Hindi Sad Diamonds [MOULIN ROUGE]
  3. Do You Only Wana Dance [MYA]
  4. Dance Like This [WYCLEF]
  5. Marimar [THALIA]
Movie of the Week: Ouija
  • It was never mentioned that the ghost was an acrobat or a contortionist when she was alive and so I don’t get the logic as to why she kept on lying down on the floor face down with her spine bent and her feet hovering above her head. What was that about? Did she watch The Grudge or The Ring before she died and got inspiration? My point simply is: if you are a ghost you don’t have to walk as if you were suffering an epileptic seizure nor do acrobatics just to be creepy. An appropriate costume and the right amount of makeup will do the trick, no need to overdo it.
  • Judy Ann = check. Drama is her real genre but she managed to pull this one off and do a good job in being bitchy to Jolina’s character.
  • Iza = check. She is a brilliant actress and she will always shine in any role. Her character in this movie is irritating and she managed to annoy me.
  • Jolina = ok, fine. She is obviously better in comedy but since she doesn’t really have enough range ever since she started her career pwede na siyang pasang awa. Am I seeing Jolina fans throwing me some tomatoes? =p
  • Rhian = big EX. The producer should have switched her role with Valerie Concepcion’s. Valerie could have portrayed the role way better than she did. I have nothing against her but we can’t deny that her acting is blah. She does better drinking her McFloat than getting chased by ghosts.
  • If you are the kind who loves “gulat” moments then this film is for you. Although the special “gulat” sound effects were inappropriate in some scenes and overdone in some I could say that I was able to enjoy it kasi nakakagulat naman talaga. However if you are the kind who loves to stimulate your brain by speculating on what really is happening in the movie (like speculating on the twists in Sukob and Sigaw) then more or less you will find this movie lacking.
  • I actually think that the twist to the ghost’s identity was clever. My problem is that the ghost is not even related to any of the four girls. It just happened that her spirit was that random spirit that got called by the spirit board. This is perfectly understandable since that really is the purpose of playing ouija anyway, call random spirits. What I’m trying to say is that it could have been more interesting if the spirit that was called was actually related to the girls; more twists could have been added that way.
  • The ending was a cliffhanger but I don’t think there will be a sequel.
  • Why is the title OUIJA anyway? We usually call that board “Spirit Board” or “Spirit of the Glass”. Even the people in the movie call it “Spirit Board.”
SONA: I wasn’t able to watch the SONA but from what I’ve heard it’s all infrastructure & economic growth. Question is where to get the budget for it. As for economic growth it did grow but that won’t be felt automatically by all. Peso appreciated. In fact it’s detrimental in a way specially for OFW’s because for every $100 we receive we now get 500 pesos less. F*ck economic growth, lol.

Academics: It’s about time to choose a favorite subject! Obviously the two Economics courses and Calculus are out by default since when you are not good with numbers that frustration is for life. That leaves me with the three Political Science courses I have. Political Science 150 is fun and Professor Frago is very innovative. She never runs out of “gimiks” to make the class interact. Unfortunately I really don’t like Public Administration that much. Political Science 186 is also interesting and Sir Baylon always cracks jokes. Unfortunately the early Saturday time slot limits the fun. This of course leaves me with just one course which is *drum roll please!* Political Science 193. The subject matter is boring (Modern Political Thought) but what I like about this course is that segment called Student of the Day. I think it’s a unique Professor Pilapil invention. Every meeting a student selects one of the index cards we’ve submitted and the one picked will be student of the day. He will ask five questions and those five questions correspond to 5% of your final grade, which is roughly an instant .5 lost or gained. Because of this the students are actually preparing rigorously every meeting and we are all nervous. What I like most about it is that I’ve realized that I no longer have to set aside a special time of day to review for this subject. I have set aside several hours of the day to review for my other classes but they never seem to be followed. Usually I find it more enjoyable to stare on the wall or listen to music than review, which means the time allotted goes to waste. For this subject however I just cram before the class starts and everything goes to the long-term memory section in my brain. I wish all professors had this Student of the Day gimmick. PS 193 is the favorite, for now.

Languages: I was supposed to take a placement exam at Insituto Cervantes this week but they were closed last Wednesday or at least the phone said that they were closed and so I didn’t go. Though I have planned this for so long I think maybe now is not the right time. I already have Sunday classes for another language and maybe that’s why the powers that be don’t want another one.

Surroundings: There is anarchy in the building, lol. We had no elevator for almost the whole week because someone “burned” the elevator down. Only one was repaired this week but that is really not the problem. It’s been a week now that we have had no supply of water. That’s fine because when the elevator was working we could still afford the 10 pesos per container but now that only one is working the people who deliver the water are charging us 25 pesos per container. Kamusta naman e para pa namang sirena maligo ang kapatid ko so we spend how much, like 150 pesos a day for water! But then it’s not as if we have a choice. Should we just stink to death? I shouldn’t have chosen this hell hole when I transferred almost two years ago if I knew the water problem would be this bad. Bad news is our contract won’t end until end of October. 3 more months. Bwiset.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Week with Celine, Prue, and Harry

Juillet 16 -22
A Week with Celine, Prue, and Harry

Soundtrack of the Week
  1. Tu m’oublieras [LARUSSO]
  2. Irreplaceable [BEYONCé]
  3. Tous Unis [LARUSSO]
  4. Kembot [AMBER]
  5. Don’t Call Me Baby [MADISON]
Book of the Week: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
  • I found the book chaotic because the fight scenes were kind of “rushed?” or maybe JK was already running out of descriptive words to capture everything she was imagining at the time. Parang nahawa siya sa mga scenes ng Order of the Phoenix movie, hindi smooth ang transitions.
  • The following creatures (in the right order that I remember) died: Hedwig, Mad-Eye Moody, Peter Pettigrew “Wormtail,” Dobby, Crabbe, Fred Weasley, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Bellatrix Lestrange, Voldemort.
  • The following creatures had a change of heart: Dudley, Kreacher, Percy Weasley, Draco Malfoy (sort of).
  • Snape is good after all. He was just such a jerk because he loved Lily so much. Key elements to Dumbledore’s and Snape’s past (his childhood to be exact) are revealed making the readers comprehend the complexity of their characters. Snape and Lily were childhood sweethearts (sort of) and Petunia was jealous because she never got to attend Hogwarts. Petunia and Snape knew each other.
  • Harry is the seventh horcrux. On the night Voldemort failed to kill him the Avada Kedavra curse bounced back to Voldy, chipped a part of his unstable soul and transferred it to Harry, hence the mind connection.
  • Harry and Ginny ended up together. They have three kids: James, Albus Severus, and Lily. Ron and Hermione ended up together and had two kids: Rose and Hugo. Bill and Fleur got married. Lupin and Tonks had a kid named Teddy Lupin. Draco also married a nameless witch and had a son that Ron called Scorpius.
  • Well basically the book is the last in the series. The overall “feel” of the book if I am to describe it in one word is CHAOTIC. This is the only Potter book which does not have Hogwarts as its primary setting although most of the memorable and exciting events happened there. The trio was always on the run and yes I could say that this is the most exciting book of all since it’s full of confrontations and sequences that will keep your adrenaline pumping and your fingers flipping.
  • The Deathly Hallows are: the Invisibility Cloak, the Resurrection Stone (one of Voldy’s horcrux), and the Elder Wand (Dumbledore’s).
  • The book is ok. There is closure. We get to know a lot about wizards and witches which were just mentioned before but never discussed. There was also an attempt in Rowling’s part to reveal the interesting secrets of some of the characters we barely noticed before such as the Grey Lady (the Ravenclaw ghost), the Bloody Baron (Slytherin ghost), etc. Unfortunately it seemed “rushed,” (their introduction I mean) as if JK was trying to tell us so much with the little time she had left when in fact she had six previous books to have tackled them or even just hinted them.
Hello Fictional Friends!: Who cares about an Economics exam? Who cares about what I wear or how I look like? The hell with everything, lol. I’ve rested my mind and regained some of my sanity this week by living in three fictional worlds. Two of them are inside that thing called TV (via DVD) and the other in the pages of a seven-hundred-something-page book. Ang saya saya!

Maging Sino Ka Man: I’ve been advertising this soap in this blog like forever and I guess by now it is common knowledge that this is in my opinion one of the best soaps ever produced. This soap is just the right combination of the Koreanovela and the typical Filipino teleserye. It’s somehow patterned after your typical Koreanovela because the main focus is love. While Koreanovela plots could be a little complicated love still remains the main focus of the story. That’s very well true in this soap. It’s all about the complications of love. Of course you have your “love square” but while in Koreanovelas the other boy and girl are just “panggulo” or in a way meant to be hated and have relatively less exposure than the other two leads, in this soap I could say that the “love” aspect of the story revolved equally around the four of them. On the contrary the Filipino-teleserye aspect of the story is very much focused on the two leads, which makes them in a way “more important” characters over-all. Another thing I like about this soap is that there are a lot of quotable quotes specially when the characters are verbally assaulting each other and of course, Celine. Give Anne Curtis an acting trophy. She deserves it. I have just finished DVD 7 and I am excited to finish the whole series because I wasn’t able to catch the final episode on TV. Book 2 is coming!

Charmed: In the pilot episode a woman who can shoot fire from her fingers (WITCH) is murdered by a hooded figure (WARLOCK) with an athame (ceremonial knife.) We’re introduced to 3 sisters who actually are the CHARMED ONES (most powerful witches on Earth). The youngest comes back from New York and perpetually bickers with the eldest. She gets a supernatural message from a recovered spirit board saying ATTIC, heads there, recovers a thick book (BOOK OF SHADOWS), reads an incantation, and they gain their powers. Now Prue (Shannen Doherty) can move things with her mind; Piper (Holly Marie Combs) can freeze time; and Phoebe (Alyssa Milano) can see the future. In the end of the episode they vanquish Piper’s boyfriend Jeremy who turns out to be the warlock. They acknowledge the fact that their lives will never be the same again and the episode ends with Prue telekinetically closing the front door of the manor. In season 4 Paige (Rose McGowan) replaces dead Prue in the power of three and the series lasts until the 177th episode which is the last for season 8. Retarded as it may seem I’m amused with the thought that once in TV land there lived a witch who can move stuff with her mind, and better - I have her on DVD. 12 episodes down, 165 to go. Ang saya saya! =p

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Disarming Negativity

Juillet 9 -15
Disarming Negativity

Soundtrack of the Week <-- Dance Special
  1. Don’t Call Me Baby [MADISON]
  2. Give It Up to Me [SEAN PAUL]
  3. On ne s’aimera plus jamais [LARUSSO]
  4. Kembot [AMBER]
  5. The Sweet Escape [STEFANI]
Event of the Week: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  • Once upon a time Alfonso Cuarón made a movie called Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, which I personally think was the best Potter film. However after seeing Order of the Phoenix I guess Cuarón’s installment will have to settle for second best.
  • This movie is so NORMAL, for lack of better term. The director did not see the need to do an extravagant showcase of effects as was done in the previous installments. There was also not much focus on Harry Potter magical concepts that the previous installments focused too much on (parading them in our faces) as if the fans did not do their homework of reading the book. More or less the director assumed that moviegoers have read the book, hence no need to emphasize too much on trivial HP stuff.
  • The person responsible for casting Imelda Staunton as Umbridge should be given a medal. It was as if the Umbridge I wanted to strangle (due to much annoyance) jumped out right from the book into the screen. No other actress could have done it better. She really did give justice to the character, from her “girly” giggles to her “ahem-ahem” sentence-starter.
  • I loved the video to newspaper article transitions made possible by virtue of the moving news photographs. It was an efficient way to summarize a lot of stuff in the book in a way that it saved much needed screen-time.
  • I would have applauded Helena Bonham-Carter’s portrayal of Bellatrix Lestrange but was there really a need to channel Parker Posey, or to some extent, Jennifer Tilly? Was there like a Parker Posey convention in Azkaban before she broke out? And how do you really pronounce Lestrange? I’ve read once in the Internet that the pronunciation really is Luh-straw-hNzh but in the movie it was pronounced plain Le-strange.
  • Sirius Black’s death scene was so simple. The next scene (which was intentionally made silent despite all the commotion) showing Harry’s lupasay moments was so effective IMHO. Ang galing ng director!!!
  • A lot of stuff was downplayed in this movie more or less due to constraints in screen time. Percy’s loyalty to the ministry was not really an issue in the movie; in fact Percy was only shown like twice. In the book you really feel the tension among the Weasley’s when this matter was discussed. Another was the participation of the “mosquito-press” of Luna Lovegood’s dad in facilitating the truth about Voldy’s return. If the director really wanted a “Hogwarts-Politics” approach to the film he could have included that.
  • This movie is serious and you can feel it. It’s perfectly understandable since one of the major themes of book 5 is political or shall we say power politics not just in Hogwarts but in the whole magical community.
  • The Ministry of Magic was WOW, from the fountain to the floor tiles to the walls to the hallways, everything!
  • The Voldy-Dumbledore final confrontation scene was the extravagant one with all the special effects but IMHO was done in good taste. Voldy had a fire dragon out of his wand and Dumbledore had Voldy rolling wet inside a huge water ball. I remember neither of these two scenes in the book but of course the director has artistic license, so pagbigyan.
  • Harry Potter gets his first on-screen kiss. Hermione ceases to become the sole Potter babe as Ginny and newcomer Luna Lovegood enter the picture. That scene where Hermione was laughing with Ron (when they were discussing the kiss) made me think that Emma Watson, in some angles, resembles a younger version of Rachel Weisz.
  • What makes this the best among the installments is that it focuses more (I think) on the human more than the magical side of Harry Potter.
Disarming Negativity: Let’s just say I’ve had some “realizations” this week. After hearing some anonymous tip about a judgment made about me based on how I look I’ve decided to take things on a more positive note. If you have seen me last week well I could say that yes I wasn’t that aesthetically pleasing to look at. I hadn’t shaved my facial hair for more or less a couple of weeks. My hair is now beginning to look long and quite “wild.” And so to make the long story short people actually thought that I was some kind of terrorist or something and honestly I FELT IT. Everywhere I go there was just that negative vibe as if everyone’s looking at me or maybe I was just plain paranoid. And so after venting my frustration towards the keyboard slandering faceless people in my thoughts as to why they are so judgmental I have realized that it actually is my fault. Like I always say the world is judgmental and when you face people the first thing they would actually see is well... your face, your clothes, and stuff and they use that as basis for judgment specially if they don’t know you that well. And so I finally accepted defeat. While I have lived in an illusionary world where I don’t really care as to what people actually say about me I have come to realize that it IS in fact affecting me and I am just in denial. While you couldn’t care less about how you carry yourself people will actually see it the other way and so you must at least do a little something to present yourself better. And so what now? Nothing. I think I would just have to get used to wearing a cap. While I am willing to do something to deflect the attention which I think I’m getting because of not presenting myself properly I’m not willing to compromise my uhm... belief that the barber is evil and I don’t want to have my hair cut, thus the cap and the naked lip. That’s just how far I’m willing to go right now. At least if I sort of blend in the ordinary crowd by not looking like a terrorist then at least I could direct my attention to other more important things like my health or academics. At least no more distraction. I’ve also decided to really see things in a more positive way, to actually implement it and not just have it written and not follow it. And so goodbye negativity, at least negativity in the mind. Expeliarmus! =p

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Takas Dali!

Juillet 2 -8
Takas Dali!

Soundtrack of the Week
  1. Give It Up to Me [SEAN PAUL]
  2. Gossip Folks [MISSY]
  3. Over It [MCPHEE]
  4. Kembot [AMBER]
  5. Obsessions [FRANKIE J]
Event of the Week: Transformers
  • The story is about a cube which I think was called All-Spark (Sorry wasn’t listening) which fell on Earth and had the power to create life? (Sorry not listening again) and of course the good Transformers were after it so that the Decepticons won’t be able to get it and destroy the planet.
  • This is one of those movies that you never intended to watch but finally decided to after being indirectly bombarded with raves (Ang ganda ng Transformers! The best ang transformers!) both online and actual.
  • After seeing the movie I could actually summarize it with one adjective and an exclamation point: AMAZING! Now I’m raving too. If you haven’t watched it yet then do it now before Harry Potter arrives.
  • Shia Labeouf must have had a blast doing this film. He was the most robot-chased character, not to mention he’s been having a lot of projects lately and this could be considered the best to date.
  • I think what moviegoers liked best about this movie is the great combination of CGI and COMEDY. Nowadays we barely see movies about the destruction or invasion of our planet done comically. They are always dead serious. This movie however allows you to sit back, relax, and utter: “Wow they are invading our planet, that’s so funny!”
  • Everyone in this film was funny except the lead girl (Megan Fox?) who was more sexy than funny, Josh Duhamel who was more trying-hard to be serious than funny, and the British girl analyst who was more nerdy than funny (in a sexy kind of way). The mom was funny. The dad was funny. And of course Shia’s character was funny. The robots were funny. Even Angelina Jolie’s daddy was funny at some point. Even the Chihuahua...
  • It could be attributed to my being retarded that the scene I found funniest of them all was the part where the F-7 detained the family and the mother suddenly said: “Hurt my dog I’ll kick your ass.” It was said in a very simple manner and there wasn’t even any exaggeration involved but the audience roared in laughter myself included. The runner up scene would be the part where Megatron and Optimus Prime fell from the building tapos pinitik ni Megatron yung taong katabi niya sabay hirit ng, “Disgusting.”
  • I’ve also encountered a lot of criticisms regarding movie critics (Now they are being criticized, lol) finding it strange that the Transformers were actually talking. All I can say is that in the single vague recollection of the Transformers cartoons that I have I actually remember that the motorcycle who used to transform into a somewhat bald Transformer actually speaks.
  • This film is one hell of a visual spectacle and you can’t help but get amazed. Unfortunately it also borders on visual overload. Seeing multicolored metal cracking jokes and making fun of people is fun but when you see them killing each other in swift motion your eyes sometimes just get tired and give up altogether trying to figure out what’s happening.
Languages: Like I’ve said before I have already concentrated everything language learning to Spanish and French. I could say I’ve already made progress in French. Unlike before when I used to read a French book and then forget everything I’ve read after a week, now I could say that the case is different. I also think I’m already mastering the sound system thanks to audio-lingual learning.

Academics: I already said that Political Science 150 (Philippine Public Administration) is a big bore but I’m glad that I’m starting to get the hang of it. Being bored and beginning to understand something about the course is better than being bored and not understanding anything at all, like what’s happening to Calculus. We’ve already started discussing Limits or should I say THEY have already begun discussing Limits. What the hell is a Limit? I don’t know but every time I hear that word all I could relate to it is that Mean Girls scene with Lindsay Lohan in a ponytail screaming, “The Limit does not exist! The Limit does not exist!” The first departmental examination will be on Wednesday. Fuck this I’m doomed. Economics is all good. Political Science 186 is very interesting but I don’t like the Saturday morning time slot because I’m still groggy at that time.

Retarded Mood Swings: My mood swings have been strangely retarded lately. Extremes ang drama nila ngayon. There are days when I feel so very happy as if were drugged and some times so very low as if I were suicidal. All of this is controlled of course and in a sense theoretical since I have never drugged myself yet and neither have I tried committing suicide to actually know how any of those two instances makes a person feel. What I am trying to do now is actually detect which activities bring these extreme mood swings and try to manipulate them to my advantage. The question now is whether these two mood swings are actually dependent on my daily activities. What if the chemicals in my brain are really retarded and they have already done much damage for me to feel this way? I still don’t know the answer but I do have an alternative solution already: ESCAPE.

Escape: When the chemicals in your body are theoretically retarded or just insufferably attention-deficient you are left without a choice but escape. Hello Harry Potter. Hello Yoo Rin. I have started rereading my Harry Potter collection as preparation for the final book which comes to all your Powerbooks branches at July 21, 2007 at exactly 7 AM. I have gauged my reading speed and I have discovered that I could do at least 150 pages of Harry Potter a day, which in my opinion is slow but I think it would be sufficient to be able to finish Book 6 before July 21. I also bought a pirated DVD copy of My Girl. I’ve already scanned the DVD and have been laughing my head off ever since. Lee Da Hae is such an effortless comic. Her facial expressions alone could make me LOL amp; ROFL. Guess reading and watching are good escape routes from one’s oh so complicated life.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Lock Yourself in a Cave and Be Happy

Juin 25 - 1
Lock Yourself in a Cave and Be Happy

Soundtrack of the Week
  1. Give It Up to Me [SEAN PAUL]
  2. Pon de Replay [RIHANNA]
  3. Catch Me I’m Falling [GONZAGA]
  4. Ikaw Lamang [SILENT SANCTUARY]
  5. Bang Bang Boom [MOFFATS]
Event of the Week: Zsa Zsa Zaturnah Ze Musikal
  • Zsa Zsa Zaturnah is your modern-day super heroine. She has super strength although she can’t fly. Like her creator said everyday she battles various kinds of enemies from giant frogs, zombies and well you know the drill. One caveat however is that her alter-ego is not actually a SHE but rather a HE in the person of a gay parlor beautician Ada.
  • Eula Valdes is one helluvan actress may it be TV or theater. I was actually surprised to see one of her FHM 100 Sexiest posters alongside Angel’s and Katrina’s who are way younger than she is. However when I saw her in tights in this production it dawned on me that she indeed deserves to be on that list. What is her rank anyway? For those who have not seen Zaturnnah Ze Musikal yet bad news: I believe the July 1 run was actually Eula’s last Zaturnnah appearance. The new Zaturnnah is K Brosas.
  • The character actor who played DIDI managed to upstage everybody else which is not at all surprising because DIDI is really funny even in the comics version. I just find it odd that his memorable comics line, “Palakpak mga dukha!” was not included. I just don’t know who did the role today (not Ricci Chan) but he was definitely good. He had a lot of adlibs and the audience never failed to laugh every time he was on stage.
  • I wanted to see Agot Isidro as Queen Femina but Kalila Aguilos played her role today. She wasn’t bad. She was actually funny. My only reaction is that most of the time it seemed like Julie Andrews was possessing her because of the British accent. Pero nakakaaliw siya lalo na nung nag malfunction yung battle gown niya ginaya niya si Miriam Defensor Santiago, lol.
  • The transmorphication of the Amazonistas was done via a production number. Tawa ko ng tawa kasi si Nora A. yung una. Ang kulit. Every time the four of them appeared (Nora A, Vilma S, Sharon C, Dina B) there was an allusion to the actual actresses themselves. Na okray nga lang si Dina Bonnevie rito since compared to the other three she has the least memorable lines and singing/dancing capability; every time she reached a high note may sound effects ng breaking glass. Another funny thing is that their memorable movie lines were translated to English. Hehehe.
  • Loved the song/dance numbers. Laughtrip halos lahat ng scenes but the best for me was the one with Femina doing the martial arts poses and afterwards Eula answering with some sort of a dance na pang Pegasus, lol.
  • The set is simple and we know it can’t rival Broadway but you can’t help but be amazed by Filipino resourcefulness when it comes to props and set.
Everything TV: Paris Hilton already got out of jail. She said that her 3-week imprisonment was some sort of a wake-up call. Apparently she realized that she is 26 years old and that she has been retarded for the last uhm... 26 years? Maybe she will adopt Cambodian orphans now and join UNICEF (Angie is already in the UN, iba naman para orig.) Well wake up Paris. Sell yur Guccis and Fendis and feed the entire African continent. Wendy was not declared Big Winner of Pinoy Big Brother Season 2. She came in third place and took a little while to come out when her name was called. Maybe the ABS-CBN management thought there would be a riot of some sort. After an Araneta Coliseum-wide booing, the Wendy-haters finally found salvation and moved on with their lives (that means me + the whole online community from Peyups to PEX.) BEA won. After the realization that Wendy would have no chance of getting the million it was actually ok for anyone else to win so I didn’t really care but given the chance to change the outcome I would have let MICKEY win to break the chain of financially-not-so-well-off-female chain of PBB Big winners. The “chinita” girl who is not so financially well-off has become a stereotype of a Big Winner. My suggestion for a Celebrity edition: Let Mariel Rodriguez be one of the housemates.

Academics: I’ve already incurred like three absences in both Economics classes. I’ve been oversleeping lately and so my morning classes are affected. I have already “practiced” sleeping early this whole week as to totally eradicate this behavior which is causing me academic mayhem. I’ve already managed to catch up by reading the book. Thank God both Economics classes discuss the same lessons for the first few weeks and have the same book as reference. We are still in the Algebra review part of Calculus so it hasn’t given me any problems yet. The Public Administration subject (Polsc 150) is a total bore but the professor is good. Again, it’s me. I am enjoying the International Private Law course (Polsc 186) although I already have an absence. It’s a Saturday morning class and so it is very tempting to just oversleep and forget about it. So far academics is good. Yahoo.

Health: I’ve just realized how I took my health for granted. I’m still adjusting my zombie sleeping hours to that of a normal human being. I’ve tried including exercise and stretching in my daily routine and it’s actually fun. It feels good afterwards because it somehow makes you feel a little bit stronger and active. Of course I would still want a medical check-up. Who knows? Maybe it will turn out that I have a brain tumor or some incurable disease and I actually have only a year to live. E di ang saya di ba! Wala ng plano plano ng buhay. Planning a life is so stressful! Kapag di ka naman nagplano sa kangkungan ka pupulutin in the future. At least if you find out that your days are numbered e di stress-free na. Enjoy to death ka na lang di ba, literally. But since I haven’t done check-up yet I’ll just assume that I have a clean bill of health and try to live the healthy life. =p

Be Happy: A message from Alfie and ihcahieh: We’ve decided to lock Dan the Wrathful in a cave for a couple of months. We both promise to see the world in a more positive perspective. We will listen to happy songs and try to be more patient. We will eat healthy food and sleep eight hours a day. If it does not work then we’ll set him free and let him handle the host body’s life the way he sees fit.
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