Friday, August 5, 2011

VISA: Taiwan (Visa Free)

Philippine passport holders can go to Taiwan visa free by using another visa. This does not make a lot of sense because it is not really “visa free”. You need to have a valid visa or permanent residence permit from any of the following countries: US, Canada, Japan, UK, EU Schengen, Australia, and New Zealand. What do we mean by “valid”? UNUSED.

Question: I have a Japanese Visa issued three years ago. It is unused. Can I use it to enter Taiwan? NO. It would no longer be valid since most tourist visas to Japan expire after three months of issue. Now if that is a multiple entry visa valid for five years or more then that would be fine. I guess your best bet would be a US visa because what the US embassy usually issues are valid for ten years. If you have single entry visas to any of the mentioned territories in the first paragraph and you HAVE NOT USED THEM YET and they are NOT YET EXPIRED, congratulations. You can use that to enter Taiwan.

If you satisfy the visa requirement but you have worked as a blue collar worker in Taiwan, then you are not qualified for this special arrangement. What’s next then? You go to this website: and fill out the necessary fields. This does not take more than ten minutes. The approval is immediate. They would issue a permit shown above. You can print it right away. Actually, I suggest printing it right away. The page expires. I am just lucky I was able to save it on my desktop. I had no access to a printer when I did that. Bring that paper and show it to the immigration officer together with your passport containing the valid visa you registered on the website.

As for me I used my single entry visa for Japan, which I won’t use until September this year. Applying for a single entry visa at the Taiwan embassy will cost you 2,400 pesos. My Japanese visa only cost 1,200 pesos, and I get to use it for these two countries. I didn’t even have to go to the Japanese embassy. This is what I suggest you also do, if you are also going to Japan after all.

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