passport holders need a visa to go to the United States, and getting one in
Manila is a real pain. Why so? It’s because the embassy there does not really
think of us as tourists, but rather illegal aliens wanting a share of greener
pastures. As such, you would find many forums online dealing with this topic,
some of them giving helpful tips on how to answer the consul’s questions. Some
would even tell you how to specifically prepare paperwork to boost your
bottom line is that it is hard to get a US visa in Manila. Those who try their
luck and succeed are rewarded with a 10-year multiple entry visa which
is usually a combination of type B1 and B2. As for me, I didn’t really have
plans of going to the States, but since I was already in Seoul and with an
Alien Registration Card to boot, I thought hey, why not? South Koreans are
visa-free in the US, so at least that gets rid of the long lines at the embassy.
And yeah, I was right indeed.
US embassy in Seoul is hard to miss, thanks to its strategic location at
Gwanghwamun. If you see the palace, the mountain behind it, and the giant
statue of King Sejong in front of it, then you only have to look right and that’s
the embassy right there. Appointment is made online and due to the small number of
applicants, most of whom are probably foreigners, you can get a schedule as
early as the following week. Payment could be made through different means, but
I preferred over-the-counter through Citibank.
US visa fee is standard for all embassies, I suppose. I remember paying over a
hundred dollars, but not over two hundred. Because I was studying in Seoul, I
had a well-funded bank account there because it was a requirement for
further enrollment. I used the same bank account to get a bank certificate. I
also photocopied my ARC and asked for a certificate of enrollment from the
university to vouch for my standing as a regular student. I don’t remember
preparing any other documents.
remember changing my appointment dates once or twice because of class schedule conflicts, and
recall finding it easy to do online. On the date of the appointment, I forgot
to print the confirmation letter sent via email, the one with a barcode in it
which they need to scan at the entrance. And so I had to find a place where I
could access my email and print the said document. Everything went well and I
still made it just in time. I was then directed to one of the upper floors.
Passports ready!
window was reserved for the verification of information. After that, you wait
for your number to be called for the dreaded interview. I was asked no more
than five questions, some of which I remember to be:
1) What are you doing here in Seoul? I’m a language student;
Why are you going to the United States? Transit, I will be backpacking in Latin
Are you going back here after your trip? Not sure, most likely back to Manila;
can’t remember the others, if there were more than three, that is. I
do remember volunteering my bank certificates but he said there was no need.
Instead, he suddenly announced that my visa was ready for pick-up in three days’
time. Indeed, when I picked up my passport at the courier’s office, I found the
10-year multiple entry visa stamped on page 27.
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