Sunday, December 17, 2017

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Fuel and force field running low, what remains of the Resistance attempt to flee, but find out soon enough that the First Order's fleet can track them even when they are travelling on light speed. After Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) is knocked out unconscious by a surprise attack, the rest of the crew surrender to their fate. Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) and ex-Storm Trooper Finn (John Boyega) devise a last-ditched attempt for survival, the latter teaming up with maintenance crew member Rose Tico (Kelly Marie Tran) to find someone who can help them on a nearby casino planet. Meanwhile, Rey (Daisy Ridley) focuses on convincing self-exiled Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) to join their cause, all while trying to resist an unexpected psychic bond with Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) that is interfering with her training. Will she be able to persuade the last Jedi master to save them before it's too late?

Saturday, December 2, 2017


Music has been prohibited in Miguel's (Anthony Gonzalez) household for the longest time ever since his great great grandfather abandoned the family to pursue a musical career, never to come back. Focusing instead on the family's burgeoning shoe business, grandma Elena (Renée Victor) makes sure that such ban remains in place, which becomes a dilemma for the young boy when he finds himself drawn to the allure of musical stardom. Putting two and two together, he realizes that legendary musician Ernesto de la Cruz (Benjamin Bratt) is no other than the great great grandfather they never knew. Stealing his guitar from his mausoleum, he is magically transported with a simple strum to a parallel universe where dead loved ones find themselves after their life on Earth has ended. They are allowed to cross over back from the afterlife during Día de Muertos, Mexico's much celebrated Day of the Dead, as long as their family continues to remember them by keeping their photos visible on their altars. There, Miguel meets Hector (Gael García Bernal), a trickster who offers to help him reach de la Cruz in order to get his blessing and send him back to the world of the living before it's too late.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Dark: Folge/Episode 10

Folge 10: Alpha und Omega
2019. Nach seinem Rendezvous fährt Peter zur Hütte seines Vaters. Auf der Wand entsteht plötzlich ein schwarzes Loch und die Leiche von Mads Nielsen fällt auf dem Boden. Er ruft Tronte sofort an, der seinen seit 33 Jahren veschwundenen Sohn umarmt. Claudia kommt aus dem Nichts herein und sagt ihnen, dass sie viel zu lernen haben, aber sie haben keine Zeit mehr. Jonas konfrontiert seine Oma und sie gibt ihm den Abschiedsbrief seines Vaters, den er schon verbrannt hat. Er entscheidet sich dazu, nach 1986 zurück zu reisen, um Mikkel abzuholen. Im Krankenhaus warten auf ihn Noah und Helge, die ihn in der Hütte einsperren. Dort besucht ihn der Fremde, der seine reparierte Zeitmaschine von H.G. Tannhaus gerade bekommt. Er enthüllt Jonas seine wahre Identität: Er ist Jonas aus der Zukunft. Der künftige Jonas stellt sein Gerät im Tunnel ein, oberhalb davon liegt die Hütte, um die Zeitschleife zu zerstören. Ein schwarzes Loch hüllt Winden ein. 2019-Jonas und der 1953 eingesperrte Helge sehen und berühren sich durch das schwarze Loch. Das verletzte Kind landet in 1986. Jonas landet im postapokalyptischen Winden der Zukunft.

Dark: Folge/Episode 9

Folge 9: Alles ist Jetzt
1953. Auf dem Heimweg fährt Egon am blutverschmierten Ulrich vorbei. Danach folgt eine Jagd im Wald. Ulrich erreicht nicht die Höhle und er wird in Handschellen festgenommen. Agnes und Tronte mieten ein Zimmer bei den Tiedemanns. Tronte und die junge Claudia (Gwendolyn Göbel) freunden sich an. Ihr Hund Gretchen verläuft sich in der Höhle. 1986. Claudia findet die ungealterte Gretchen bei der Inspektion von den radioaktiven Fässern in der Höhle. Noah und Helge bauen zusammen eine Zeitmaschine in einem Zimmer mit bunter Tapete. Hannah schiebt die Verantwortung von Ulrichs Verhaftung auf Regina. Katharina versucht, diese zu verprügeln, aber der verletzte Boris Niewald (Béla Gabor Lenz) rettet Regina. Später versteckt er eine Pistole und seinen eigenen Reisepass im Wald, und nimmt die Identität von einem Aleksander Köhler an. Hannah sieht ihn dabei, nimmt und behält die Sachen. 2019. ,,Aleksander” wird von Hannah erpresst, um Ulrich fertigzumachen, nachdem Katharina Hannah konfrontiert. Claudia stellt sich zum ersten Mal ihrem Enkel Bartosz vor.

Dark: Folge/Episode 8

Folge 8: Was man sät, das wird man ernten
Ulrich folgt Helge in die Höhle, verliert ihn aber aus den Augen. Er findet stattdessen die Türen und Tunnels und landet im Jahr 1953. Die junge Egon (Sebastian Hülk) untersucht den Fall von zwei toten Jungen auf der Baustelle des zukünftigen AKW. Die beiden Toten sind Erik und Yasin. Auf dem Weg in die Kleinstadt sieht Ulrich ein Auto, das kurz vor ihm anhält. Agnes Nielsen (Antje Traue) steigt aus und fragt ihn nach einer Adresse. Ihr Sohn, der junge Tronte (Joshio Marlon), steigt auch aus um seinen zukünftigen Sohn zu grüßen. Verwirrt läuft Ulrich weg und erreicht ein Uhrengeschäft. Der Inhaber ist der junge H.G. Tannhaus (Arnd Klawitter), Verfasser des Buchs ,,Eine Reise durch die Zeit”. Später findet Ulrich den jungen Helge (Tom Philipp), Sohn des Gründers von dem AKW Bernd (Anatole Taubman). Ulrich prügelt das Kind beinahe zu Tode. Danach sperrt er ihn in einem Keller ein. 1986. Der Fremde besucht den alten H.G. Tannhaus (Christian Steyer) und fordert ihn zur Reparatur seiner Zeitmaschine auf.

Dark: Folge/Episode 7

Folge 7: Kreuzwege
1986. Jonas geht zum Gymnasium, um Mikkel zu finden. Dort sieht er die junge Regina und fragt, wo die Krankenschwester Ines Kahnwald gefunden werden kann. Beim Spaziergang im Regen sieht ihn Egon, der ihn zum Krankenhaus mitnimmt. Dort findet er Mikkel und will ihn zurück nach 2019 bringen, aber der Fremde ist auch da und er warnt ihn, dass damit seine eigene Existenz ausgelöscht werden kann. Großvater-Paradoxon. Er entscheidet sich dagegen und kehrt allein nach 2019 zurück. Katharina findet heraus, dass Ulrich und Hannah eine Affäre haben. Ulrich vermutet, dass Charlottes 75-jähriger Schwiegervater Helge (Hermann Beyer) mit dem Verschwinden von seinem Bruder und Sohn etwas zu tun hat. Er schikaniert ihn im Seniorenheim und folgt ihm später am Abend in den Wald. Er ist überzeugt, dass Helge Kinder entführt und dann die Leichen verbirgt - nicht irgendwo, sondern eher irgendwann. In einem Keller irgendwo schreibt der Pfarrer Noah mit Kreide die Daten ,,5.11.1953” und ,,9.11.1953” an der Wand.

Dark: Folge/Episode 6

Folge 6: Sic Mundus Creatus Est
Regina erhält eine Brustkrebsdiagnose. Mikkels Familie erleidet einen Nervenzusammenbruch. Bei der Suche nach Antworten bekommt Ulrich zugleich einige harte Wahrheiten: Hannah, nicht Regina, zeigte ihn 1986 wegen Vergewaltigung an; sein Vater Tronte hatte eine Affäre mit Reginas Mutter Claudia; der tote Junge 2019 ist sein Bruder Mads. Tronte (Walter Kreye) und Peter warten zusammen mit einer Liste zur Hand auf jemanden oder auf etwas in einem Keller irgendwo. Jonas bemerkt den Hinweis von dem Fremden auf der Karte: ,,Folge dem Signal”. Er geht mit dem Licht und mit dem Geigerzähler zur Höhle zurück. Er findet einen roten Bindfaden, den ihm zu einer kleinen Tür führt. Darauf ist die lateinische Redewendung ,,Sic Mundus Creatus Est” eingraviert. Was folgt ist eine Reihe von Tunneln und mehr Türen. Aus dem Waldstück wieder herausgekommen geht er zur Bushaltestelle und sieht ein Flugblatt: ,,Mads Nielsen Vermisst”. Ein LKW kommt vorbei und die junge Hannah fragt ihm, ob er eine Mitfahrgelegenheit braucht.

Dark: Folge/Episode 5

Folge 5: Wahrheiten
1986. Ulrich und Katharina haben Sex. Eine eifersüchtige Hannah sieht sie und erstattet Anzeige von Vergewaltigung bei der Polizei, obwohl es einvernehmlich war. Ulrich wird festgenommen. Ein Priester, Noah (Mark Waschke), besucht Mikkel im Krankenhaus. 2019. Elisabeths ,,Freund” Yasin (Vico Mücke) begegnet auf dem Weg zur Schule einem Mann. Danach ist er auch verschwunden. Mit nun mehr drei Jungen vermisst wird die Kleinstadt Winden gereizt. Hannah wird immer mehr besessen von Ulrich. Bartosz bekommt einen Anruf auf Eriks Handy. Der Mann auf der anderen Leitung heißt Noah und will ihn später am Abend treffen. Jonas packt aus und erzählt Martha die ganze Geschichte von seinem Sommer. Bartosz trifft Noah in der Nähe vom Wald. Er ist genau der gleiche Priester, der Mikkel 1986 im Krankenhaus besucht: gleiches Alter; gleiches Aussehen. Der Fremde schickt Jonas ein Paket. Da drin findet er eine seltsame Art von Taschenlampe, einen Geigerzähler und den Abschiedsbrief von seinem Vater.

Dark: Folge/Episode 4

Folge 4: Doppelleben
Charlottes Untersuchung ist in vollem Gange und sie hat ein Gefühl von Déjà-vu: die toten Vögel und die verschwundenen Jungen. Vor 33 Jahren hat sie das schon im Gymnasium erlebt, als Mads verschwand. Ihr Mann, der Psychologe Peter (Stephan Kampwirth), ist schwul und sie schlafen getrennt. Deshalb verbirgt ihre Tochter Franziska (Gina Alice Stieblitz) ein Versteck mit Geld im Wald, weil sie von dem Doppelleben schon die Nase voll hat und raus will. Ihre taube Schwester Elisabeth (Carlotta von Falkenhayn) ist weiser als Ihr Alter vermuten lässt. Unterwegs nach Hause verläuft sich die kleine Elisabeth und ihre Eltern machen sich natürlich Sorgen. Später kommt sie wieder nach Hause mit einem goldenen Anhänger dabei, dem ihr ein gewisser ,,Noah” gegeben hat. Charlottes Name ist darauf eingraviert. Jonas geht in die Höhle mit seiner Karte zurück. Der vermummte Fremde folgt ihm. Später am Abend, während er schläft, schleicht der Fremde in sein Zimmer herein und schreibt etwas in Rot auf der Karte.

Dark: Folge/Episode 3

Folge 3: Gestern und Heute
1986. Claudia Tiedemann (Julika Jenkins) wird die neue Direktorin von dem AKW. Sie bekommt als Geschenk von Helge Doppler (Peter Schneider), einem Wachmann, das Buch ,,Eine Reise durch die Zeit”. Ihre Tochter Regina (Lydia Makrides)leidet an geringem Selbstwertgefühl und hat Suizidalität. Claudia hat eine Affäre mit Tronte Nielsen (Felix Kramer), Ulrichs Vater. Ulrichs Bruder Mads (Valentin Oppermann) ist seit einem Monat vermisst und seine Mutter, Jana (Anne Lebinsky), kann mit der Situation nicht zurechtkommen. Mikkel geht erst zum Gymnasium, um seine Mutter zu suchen. Dort lernt er die jugendliche Hannah (Ella Lee) kennen. Danach geht er zur Polizeistation, um seinen Vater zu finden. Dort findet er stattdessen Egon Tiedemann (Christian Pätzold), Claudias Vater und Polizeiinspektor. Er bringt das Kind ins Krankenhaus und dort kümmert sich um ihn die Krankenschwester, Ines Kahnwald (Anne Ratte-Polle). Mikkel rennt in die Höhle zurück. Irgendwo bastelt ein Mann einem seltsamen Gerät.

Dark: Folge/Episode 2

Folge 2: Lügen
Jonas entdeckt eine detaillierte Karte der Wäldern auf seinem Vaters Dachboden. Bartoszs Mutter, Regina (Deborah Kaufmann), empfängt einen vermummten Fremden (Andreas Pietschmann) in ihrem Hotel. Schmutzig, er duscht sich und packt sowohl ein Buch ,,Eine Reise durch die Zeit” als auch ein seltsames Gerät aus. Die Polizeichefin, Charlotte Doppler (Karoline Eichhorn), untersucht die Leiche von einem Jungen mit verletzten Augen und beschädigten Ohren. Er ist erst seit 16 Stunden tot, aber seine Kleidung, Walkman und Halskette vermuten, als ob er in den 80ern gelebt hätte. Ulrich sucht nach seinem Sohn in der Höhle und entdeckt da drin eine Tür zum benachbarten AKW. Ein Durchsuchungsbefehl wird beantragt, aber Aleksander (Peter Benedict), der Direktor und Bartoszs Vater, verweigert. Ein verwirrter Mikkel rennt aus der Höhle und nach Hause. Dort findet er seine Eltern, die jugendlichen Ulrich (Ludger Bökelmann) und Katharina (Nele Trebbs), sowie eine Zeitung deren Datum ,,5. November 1986” lautet.

Dark: Folge/Episode 1

Folge 1: Geheimnisse
21. Juni 2019. Ein Mann legt einen Brief auf seinem Arbeitstisch, auf dessen Umschlag die Anmerkung: ,,Nicht vor dem 4. November 22:13 Uhr öffnen” steht. Danach klettert er auf einen Stuhl und bindet ein Seil um seinen Hals. Wenige Monate später kann Jonas (Louis Hofmann) den Selbstmord seines Vaters, Michael (Sebastian Rudolph), nicht bewältigen. Seine Mutter, Hannah (Maja Schöne), beginnt eine Affäre mit Ulrich (Oliver Masucci), ein Polizist, der mit Katharina (Jördis Triebel), eine Schulleiterin, verheiratet ist. Ihre Kinder sind Magnus (Moritz Jahn), der Junge Mikkel (Daan Lennard Liebrenz) und Martha (Lisa Vicari). Sie ist Jonas Flamme, aber steht nun in einer Liebesbeziehung zu seinem besten Freund, Bartosz (Paul Lux). Nach dem Verschwinden von Erik (Paul Radom), ein Student und das Gymnasiums Drogenlieferant, wandern die Jugendlichen in den Wäldern auf der Suche nach seines Marihuanaversteck. Sie hören ein sonderbares Rauschen aus der Höhle und Mikkel verschwindet auf der Flucht.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Unexpectedly Yours

Patricia (Sharon Cuneta) has just turned 50. Her ex-husband Yael (John Estrada) is getting married to a much younger woman. Her daughter Yanni (Julia Barretto) is flying to London to live with her boyfriend that she met online. Her mother (Pilar Pilapil) is still as domineering as ever dictating what she can and cannot do with her life. Her inputs at work are no longer appreciated and she starts feeling unneeded. When seaman Cocoy (Robin Padilla) moves in next door along with his nephew Jason (Joshua Garcia), she finds his cockiness rather hard to bear. His persistence impresses her, though, and little by little she starts to care, but believes that she should know better at her age. Is there an age limit in committing mistakes? How old is too old when it comes to falling in love?

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Justice League

Breaking free from exile, Steppenwolf (Ciaran Hinds) pays Earth a visit to collect his three Mother Boxes that will give him incredible power. Securing the first two being protected in Themyscira and Atlantis, he has but one box left to seize which was entrusted to mankind during the great war of centuries past. His return to Earth unleashes an army of Parademons that begin to terrorize everyone, prompting Batman (Ben Affleck) to assemble a team of heroes to defend the planet. Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) joins in after seeing the Invasion Fire ablaze in a news report, an Amazonian signal that the ancient enemy has returned. Aquaman (Jason Momoa) agrees to fight despite initial hesitation after the attack of Atlantis. The Flash (Ezra Miller) needs not much convincing because he has no friends. In possession of the last box, Cyborg (Ray Fisher) completes the group when his father is kidnapped. Witnessing the limitless power of the boxes, they agree to take the risk and use its energy to revive Superman (Henry Cavill) so he can join the fight, but will their efforts pay off or will they be bringing back yet another monster from the dead?

Saturday, November 11, 2017


After five years of friendship and seven years in a relationship, Erika (Alessandra de Rossi) and Anton (Ivan Padilla) are calling it quits. He is angry and wants to salvage whatever is left of their ending romance. She is decisive and assures him that she just needs to find herself. They then spend the rest of the day reminiscing about the good times and the bad, alternating between laughter and tears in an effort to come to an understanding that will leave both parties satisfied. But when you've spent more than a decade of your life sharing everything with one another, there is just no way for an easy goodbye.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Stranger Things: Episode 17

17. The Gate
An impromptu reunion unfolds at casa Byers. "Close gate" starts to make sense, with Joyce asking Eleven if she can close the portal she herself has opened. But killing the mind means killing the body, which happens to be Will. Joyce, Nancy, and Jonathan bring him to Hopper's cabin to "burn" the shadow monster out of him while Elle and Hopper head to the laboratory. Steve and the rest drive to the tunnel entrance to locate the hub, which they incinerate. The shadow monster finds the heat hard to bear and finally leaves Will's body, just as Eleven and Hopper reach the gate. Summoning all of her strength, she forces the otherworldly portal to close, hopefully for good. Owens survives and gives Hopper Eleven's adoption papers, while she is left under observation for at least a year. They allow her to have a night off to attend the school's Snow Ball. As the kids dance the night away, a quick glance of the Upside Down shows that the shadow monster is alive and well, looming over the school.

Stranger Things: Episode 16

16. The Mind Flayer
As the lab is attacked and its personnel are devoured one by one by the monstrous creatures of the Upside Down, Mike convinces Joyce that Will has been taken over by the shadow monster. They put him to sleep with a sedative shot and evacuate with Hopper and Owens to a locked room before the main power is cut off, leaving them trapped. Bob volunteers to reboot the routers. Nancy and Jonathan arrive at the gates of the lab just as Steve and the kids do after fleeing the abandoned garage. Bob reinitiates the mainframe and almost makes it out alive but is killed by one of the monsters right in front of Joyce. They all flee the scene leaving Bob's corpse and Owens, who is still trapped. They rendezvous at casa Byers waiting for their next move. The kids figure out that hurting the shadow monster possessing Will could mean affecting the whole super organism connected to it. Distracting it, Will sends them a message via Morse code. As they await the next attack, Eleven arrives just in time to rescue them.

Stranger Things: Episode 15

15. The Lost Sister
Tapping into her mother's visions, Eleven runs away to Chicago this time to find her "sister". Kali AKA "008" (Linnea Berthelsen) can create and manipulate illusions, and has spent much of her teenage years rounding up the people of Hawkins Lab for revenge while orchestrating petty crimes on the side with her gang of outcasts. She becomes Eleven's coach to better control her telekinetic powers and convinces her to join them in their cause. Tracking one of the men she saw in her mother's visions, Eleven comes close to killing him, but backs out last minute when she sees his children. The man claims that Brenner is still alive and that he can bring them to him, but police interruption has left this option unexplorable for the time being. Contemplating on the true meaning of family and friendship, Eleven decides to travel back to Hawkins after seeing a vision of Hopper and Mike in trouble at the laboratory, leaving her long lost sister in her life of crime and hiding.

Stranger Things: Episode 14

14. The Spy
Hopper and Will are rushed back to the lab where the former gets a thorough scrubbing while the latter is sedated and ends up suffering from some sort of selective amnesia. The lab people dismiss Will as a lost cause and suggest that they start torching the lair they just found. Will tells them that he knows a way to defeat the shadow monster, convincing Owens to send his team to a certain location in the lair that holds the answer. Dustin enlists Steve's help to get rid of his pet but they find out that it has escaped from the bunker after shedding its skin, meaning it just grew in size once again. Lucas and Maxine rendezvous with them at the old junkyard where they set up a trap. They are in for a surprise when the bait does not attract just one but rather three of the monsters they are anticipating. As they get trapped in an abandoned bus, the creatures retreat to their lair where they attack the lab team who were apparently led into a trap by the entity in possession of Will's body. Their next stop? The lab.

Stranger Things: Episode 13

13. Dig Dug
Nancy and Jonathan spend a night in a motel en route to wherever it is they are going to reveal their town's little secret. They contemplate on the status of their non-relationship. Dustin tries to get rid of his pet but only manages to lock it down their bunker for the time being. Eleven runs away from home to find her mother. She communicates with her the best way she knows how and ends up getting glimpses of what really happened the day she was born. Lucas tells Max everything that she needs to know about last year's events but she shrugs it off as one big lie. Will gets a premonition of Hopper's current situation and location. With the help of Bob, they figure out that his sketches are not a puzzle, but rather a map of Hawkins. They eventually locate the tunnel and Hopper, just in time before he gets consumed by the vines. The Hawkins Lab people also arrive with enough fire power to fight the enemy, but burning it proves to have an adverse effect on Will as well, who drops to the ground and starts shaking wildly.

Stranger Things: Episode 12

12. Will the Wise
Joyce arrives in time to see Will have another episode, but the shadow bonds with him completely by the time he snaps out of it. Eleven comes back home to a fuming Hopper after seeing Mike with Max at school and telekinetically tripping her on her skateboard. Grounded, she finds a box of files from Hawkins' Lab containing a dossier on Terry Ives, her mother. Nancy and Jonathan head over to meet Barbs' parents but realize that it's a trap. They are detained at the laboratory where Paul Reiser (Sam Owens), Brenner's replacement, explains how the organization is now reformed and shows them what exactly they are facing. Dustin keeps his pet from the Upside Down in his house and in secret as his friends continue to search for it. It grows bigger and bigger in a span of a few days and starts to resemble the monster that Eleven killed. What Will can't express in words regarding his psychic connection with the shadow, he draws, leading to Hopper's discovery of a huge tunnel underneath the dead pumpkins.

Stranger Things: Episode 11

11. The Pollywog
Eleven gets more and more impatient as the days pass by, but is still forbidden by Hopper to see Mike because it's "not yet safe." Dustin finds what he thought was a Pollywog in the trash can and adopts it before getting on full research mode as to what it really is. Showing it to the gang, it gets recognized by Will as the slug from the Upside Down that he vomited a year ago. Max, who is now part of the gang, asks Lucas about what happened to Will. Steve gives Nancy the cold treatment post-hangover. Hopper traces the cause of the dead plants and crops back to the laboratory where Will gets his therapy sessions. Joyce watches the tape recording from trick-or-treat night and sees the static white noise take the form of the monster on Will's sketch. Will gets some advice from his mom's boyfriend Bob (Sean Astin) on standing up to his demons so as to stop them from haunting him. When he gets transported to the Upside Down, he faces the monster, but it starts to bond with him.

Stranger Things: Episode 10

10. Trick or Treat, Freak
Eleven wakes up in the Upside Down, sees an alien portal, and destroys it before emerging on the other side. She runs over to Mike's but sees Brenner's group there. Scared, she hides in the woods. Fast forward to 1984, she asks Hopper if she can go out in disguise for Trick or Treat. He says no. The boys go to school in Ghostbusters costumes, only to find out that only they dressed up for Halloween this year. Joyce is worried about a sketch she finds in Will's room, that of the giant monster from the Upside Down. Max is terrorized by her older brother Billy (Dacre Montgomery) who blames her for their transfer to Indiana. Hopper investigates an ongoing pumpkin catastrophe which he thinks might be connected to the Upside Down. Jonathan lets Will go trick or treating on his own and heads over to a Halloween Party. As Mike rescues Will from one of his episodes, he admits how he misses Eleven and how he thinks she's still around. Dustin goes home and finds something strange wriggling in the trash bin.

Stranger Things: Episode 9

Pittsburgh, 1984. A group of juvenile delinquents rob a house during Halloween. A car chase with the police ends in a tunnel where one of them makes the structure collapse with her mind. Will and his friends go to the arcade one night and are curious to know who MADMAX is, breaking the top scores in all the games there. They speculate that it might be Maxine (Sadie Sink), their new skater girl classmate who just moved in from California. Will gets a flash and is briefly transported back to the Upside Down. He is taken to regular counseling sessions at a laboratory, but his episodes are dismissed as post-traumatic stress. The doctor is revealed to be part of the same organization Brenner belonged to, the same one still investigating the Upside Down. Nancy and Steve visit Barbs' family and have dinner with them. She is still racked with guilt about what happened to her friend. Hopper drives through the forest and makes it back to his wooden house for dinner, castigated by Eleven for being late.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Thor: Ragnarok

Odin's (Anthony Hopkins) departure for Valhalla marks the return of Hela (Cate Blanchett), the Goddess of Death who also happens to be his firstborn. Banished from the realm with all traces of her existence eradicated, she is back with a vengeance to seize her birthright. Overwhelmed by a much more powerful sister they never knew, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Loki (Tom Hiddleston) find themselves in a precarious position that seemingly has no solution. Trapped in Sakaar as one of the Grandmaster's (Jeff Goldblum) gladiators, the God of Thunder must battle the reigning champion without the help of his hammer. That fighter is none other than the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), who has been missing in action since the aftermath of Ultron. Convincing a fallen Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) turned bounty hunter to fight for his cause, Odin's son assembles a formidable team to rescue Asgard not just from the clutches of his evil sister, but also from the prophesized apocalypse referred to as Ragnarok. 

Sunday, October 15, 2017

[MISSOURI] Budget and Itinerary

SATURDAY: 14 October 2017
Megabus (Chicago - St. Louis - Chicago) - 12.50

Saturday, October 14, 2017

[ST. LOUIS] No Gateway Arch for You

It's just that I don't think people really go to Missouri for sightseeing. Place "Tourism" and "United States" side by side, start mentioning states, and it'll probably take you a while to get to MO. People seem to go there either to study or visit friends. In my case, I am visiting a friend who is there to study, which satisfies the hypothesis. It wasn't an easy process, though, because it seems the universe wanted me to suffer for this decision for some reason. In the end, I was triumphant. Tired, but triumphant.

Friday, October 13, 2017

[ILLINOIS] Budget and Itinerary

WEDNESDAY: 11 October 2017
American Airlines (Washington DC - Chicago) - 66.20
Airbnb (3 Nights) - 81.00
Ventra (One-Way) - 5.00

Thursday, October 12, 2017

[CHICAGO] Cloud Gates and Skylines

Depression came back with a vengeance in Chicago for all the wrong reasons. It's been quite alarming lately, how the interval between my bouts of obsession eventually leading to depression is getting shorter and shorter. As you grow older you'd like to think that you are getting wiser and you understand your glitches and what makes them tick better. At the same time, I guess I'm just getting more hardheaded and bullish when it comes to pursuing what I want and clinging to it. Oh well.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

[WASHINGTON DC] Budget and Itinerary

MONDAY: 9 October 2017
Megabus (Philadelphia - Washington DC) - 5.00
Airbnb (2 Nights) - 50.00
Sbarro (NYC Combo) - 9.23
Fuel Pizza (Bacon Cheese Fries + Coke) - 7.57
Smartrip (Card + Load) - 16.90

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


The depression died down a bit when I reached the capital. I still maintained my new evening schedule, though. Washington DC is amazing after dark even if you have a shitty phone camera. Just taking a stroll is a worthwhile activity because there are a lot of parks and various places to explore. There is this two-mile stretch that they call that National Mall. Suffice it to say that most of the attractions you'll like to see are within this area. I can't imagine gallivanting out there in a sweltering afternoon, though.
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