3. What If... The World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes?
In an alternate universe, the Avengers initiative fails after a series of mysterious sabotage. Black Widow accidentally kills Tony Stark. Hawkeye unwittingly kills Thor before falling dead while in custody. Romanoff manages to escape and is asked by Fury to investigate. Her search brings her to Betty Ross who is hiding Bruce Banner. The Hulk does not stay alive for long as he blows up after succumbing to his anger. Meanwhile, Loki arrives with Asgard’s heroes to avenge his brother’s death, but Fury strikes a deal to deliver him his brother’s killer. Natasha finds out about the identity of the perpetrator before she bites the dust herself, which brings Fury to San Francisco to square off with Hank Pym. Donning Yellowjacket’s suit, he is revealed to be the culprit exacting revenge on Shield for the death of his daughter Hope while on duty. With no heroes left, Loki decides to extend his stay and rule Earth, but Fury has backup. He locates Captain America still buried in ice as Captain Marvel arrives asking where the fight is.