Friday, May 27, 2022

Stranger Things: Episode 29

29. Dear Billy
Hopper escapes and camps at the church where Dmitri’s smuggler friend will airlift him back to America. Joyce and Murray meet Yuri (Nikola Djuricko) in Alaska and give him the money. He swindles them, drugging the duo and causing Hopper and Dmitri to be captured by the Russians. Owen’s team puts Jonathan, Will, and Mike on house arrest for their protection. Jonathan enlists the help of his weed junkie pizza delivery friend Argyle (Eduardo Franco) to plot their escape. He arrives just as the two security personnel are gunned down by the military. Lucas betrays his jock group led by Chrissy’s boyfriend Jason (Mason Dye), who wants to find Eddie. He meets Dustin, Steve, and Max at school. Nancy and Robin find a way to meet serial killer Victor Creel (Robert Englund), the sole survivor among Vecna’s victims, at the asylum. They discover that music helps in defeating the curse, an info they relay to Dustin just in time as Max slips into a trance and almost gets killed by Vecna. She musters all her strength to break free.

Ooh, it’s been a while since we’ve had a Max-centric episode. It’s good that they are putting her in the spotlight for once. I feel like she has always been in the shadow of Eleven, who is obviously the superhero. Weird enough, El only appears in flashback footage in today’s episode. The next one will probably be focused on her. Back to Max, Sink does a good job in carrying this chapter. She lends just the right amount of gravitas, and we get to delve deeper into her character as well as her reasons for being so depressed since the start of this season. I mean, she has all the reasons to be, though. Given the crux of the episode, it also allowed Dacre Montgomery to do a cameo. Billy is dead for good, but the appearance helps flesh out Max’s character even more. And at last, Vecna’s MO is finally revealed. I like how they ground their mechanisms on Psychology, although most of their breakthroughs seem a bit contrived, like everything is suddenly just a lightbulb moment. But whatever, we’re still enjoying!

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry, Billy. Love, your shitty little sister Max." –Max

<<Episode 28                Episode 30>>

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