4. The Fight
A literal fight ensues between the upper class passengers and the now armed religious fundamentalists downstairs led by Franz. First mate Sebastian (Timo Mews) confesses at gunpoint the naval company’s order to sink the Prometheus and how the deaths began when The Boy was taken back onboard. Krester’s overtly religious mother Iben (Maria Erwolter) leads the charge to find and kill him, believing him to be the devil incarnate. Jérôme and Olek are tasked to toss the dead bodies to the sea. The former escapes and meets up with Clémence to find Eyk who has escaped with Ramiro. The four are joined by Maura later on as The Boy uses his scarab beetle to unlock their room. The Boy is eventually found, willingly surrenders to the mob, and is thrown overboard as a battle royale ensues on deck. As tensions die down, Eyk’s team gathers at the dinner hall where they are surprised by a blinding light emanating from within a cupboard. The cupboard door opens and The Boy emerges unscathed with his pyramid before giving Maura a hug.

Wild theory: This is all a computer simulation and the scarab beetle is both a literal and a computer bug. Opening doors and leaving people dead is part of its glitch? Anyhow, I’ve never had so much fun watching a Netflix series since Dark ended. Needless to say, I am having the time of my life here. This new computer simulation theory comes from those dial-up modem sound effects whenever The Boy uses the scarab beetle. It seems like they are all stuck in a computer program and Daniel is the programmer perfecting it and getting rid of all the glitches? I guess this is what I hate when a show becomes so engaging, I now can’t help but binge watch the whole season. Damn it. Whatever this ends up to be, I am still loving the social critique regardless. Zealots are the worst. I don’t blame the exaggeratedly religious Danes on this show. This is 1899 after all, or so they claim. Their counterparts in this day and age are way worse given how unwilling they are to compromise antiquated beliefs despite being slapped by facts left and right.
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