Thursday, November 9, 2023

Loki: Episode 12

12. Glorious Purpose
No matter how many times Loki timeslips, Victor Timely always ends up spaghettified, getting them nowhere near their goal. As such, Loki totally commits and even spends centuries mastering what Ouroboros knows just to buy them time, but even as Victor makes it to the end, the Temporal Loom still overloads because it is not equipped to handle an infinitely expanding multiverse. The next option is for Loki to timeslip in time to kill Sylvie in order to prevent her from murdering He Who Remains, which is the main catalyst for their dilemma. He tries many times but can’t get himself to do so. In the end, he himself steps out to destroy the Temporal Loom and enchants the branches on his own, settling in on He Who Remains’ former throne at the End of Time, fashioning what was the loom into a flourishing tree of branched timelines with him serving as the uniting force preventing its collapse. The TVA is up and running again, this time tracing the variants of He Who Remains in an effort to prevent them from causing multiversal chaos.

What a fitting farewell for Tom Hiddleston’s 13-year run in the MCU as the one and only God of Mischief. He finally gets the throne he has always wanted, but not in the way he imagined it would be. I guess this is why of all the shows the MCU has churned out, this is a personal favorite, because of the abundance of metaphors with regards to the themes of existentialism, raison d’être, and the like, presented in the form of a comic book derived series with plenty of flashy green hues. I am glad that the extension of Hiddleston’s tenure as Loki didn’t end up being a mere cash grab. Lest we forget, Infinity War was supposed to be his swan song. In so doing, he even earns a rather important role in the multiverse and an ending that, indeed, fulfills his search for glorious purpose. It all comes full circle with a conclusion that is pregnant with meaning. If this isn’t the very definition of a complete character arc, I don’t know what is. The good thing is Hiddleston can always make a cameo anytime in the next few decades. After all, we know where Loki is. Solid from start to finish!

“The Temporal Loom is a failsafe. When the loom is overloaded with branches, it deletes the ones that aren't supposed to be there. Everything except the Sacred Timeline.” –He Who Remains

                              <<Episode 11

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